2024 Membership with Professional Associations
- Association of Fundraising Professionals
- Canadian Evaluation Society
- Ontario Council for International Cooperation
- Canadian Association of Science Centres
York University, Masters' in Environmental Studies, Toronto, ON
Graduated from York University's Faculty of Environmental Studies, with a Concentration on "Youth Engagement and Capacity Building Across Cultures"
Partnership Brokers Association
Partnership Brokers Training Level 1
Yale University, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs
Foundations for Leadership in the 21st Century
Canadian Management Centre (CMC), Toronto
Completed Negotiating to Win
American Management Association (AMA), New York
Completed Principles of Professional Selling (1.8 CEU)

Harvard University, John F. Kennedy Jr. School of Government, Boston MA
Completed Global Leadership and Public Policy for the 21st Century program (10 days) supported by the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leader Community
American Management Association (AMA), Seattle, WA
Completed AMA's "Five Day MBA" Workshop
York University, Bachelor of Arts, Toronto, ON
Granted a full first year Scholarship at the Schulich School of Business at York University, with 90% grade average, then transferred to Atkinson College. Completed a Liberal Studies, Individualized Studies Undergraduate Degree (B.A.) with a focus on 'Business, Communications, Technology and Culture'. Major Research Project: Conducted survey on the 'Role of Youth' which attracted over 1000 responses from over 100 countries.
Ontario Science Center Science School, Toronto, ON
Selected as one of 25 students across the Province of Ontario to complete three Ontario Academic Credits, studying Physics, Chemistry, and Science in Society.
Leadership Development
Jennifer has been a participant in a range of leadership development opportunities including:
World Economic Forum Young Global Leader (2005 - 2010)
Summit on the Global Agenda 2009 (Global Agenda Council on Healthy Next Generation and Education Systems) (Dubai, UAE, November)
World Innovation Summit for Education (Doha, Qatar, November)
'Sustainagility' Workshop led by Dr. Brenda Zimmerman, hosted by Social Innovation Generation
Founding Member, Latin America Gender Parity Group at the World Economic Forum (2008)
Bretton Woods Committee Membership (2008)
TiE Toronto Member (The Global Network of Entrepreneurs) 2009
Emerging Leaders Network, Toronto City Summit Alliance (2006)
Global Knowledge Partnership (Youth Cluster Co-Focal Point in 2005)
World Economic Forum Global Leader for Tomorrow (2002, 2003, 2004)
World Youth Jam (California, USA, August 2002)
The Learning Partnership's Technology Roundtable (2001 - 2004)
Shad Valley Calgary '98: Selected as one of 60 young people from across Canada to attend a program for talented high school students, focusing on science, technology, and entrepreneurship.
Girls are IT! Coordinated and facilitated 32-hour program on technology, teamwork and entrepreneurship run in the Toronto and Dufferin Peel School Board
As part of high school required community service hours, volunteered with the McMichael Canadian Art Gallery, the Vaughan Food Bank and the Kortright Centre for Conservation
Sound of Music: Played the role of Louisa in a 1993 school board production of the Sound of Music
Travelled to Torino, Italy in 1994 with Centro Scuola in order to compete in hurdles and track and field relay as part of the Giochi Della Gioventu Italian youth Olympics
"I think that with each moment we live, and each decision we make, we have an impact on our own lives, and the lives of those around us. Most of the time, we are unconscious of the impact that we have. I think that the first way for 'others to make an impact' is to become more conscious and aware of the decisions we make and the choices we have. Once this happens, we are able to critically examine our own lives, and imagine new possibilities for ourselves and the world. There are an infinite number of ways to affect change and have an impact - the question we should ask ourselves should center around what contribution we want to make, what kind of experiences we want to have, and what kind of world we want to live in."