Jennifer's previous speaking engagements include:
Nunavut Teachers Association Cross Training (September 2024)
Yukon Chamber of Commerce (October 2024)
Future of Good Changemaker Wellbeing Summit (March 2024)
Sprout Ideas Toronto Summit Host and Facilitator (August 2024)
Bridging Gaps: Technology Supports for Learning and Wellbeing in Northern Communities, Dahdaleh Institute Global Health Seminar Series (February 2024)
COP28 Dubai United Nations Climate Change Conference Panel on Financing Our Futures: Empowering Youth Climate Action and Implementation organized by YOUNGO (December 2023)
Unicorn’s for Good event speaker at Social Innovation Park, Singapore
Vancouver Art Gallery, Flourish Workbook Launch Event
Ontario College of Art and Design, Flourish Workbook Launch Event
Global Centre for Pluralism, Event to support Indigenous Language Revitalization as publisher of children’s book Bean and Grandma’s Weekend by author Wentanoron Ariana Roundpoint
Future of Good: Dismantling Digital Barriers Summit (November 2022)
Walrus Talks: Funding Change (October 2022)
Micro Grants for Citizen-Led Community Impact (November 2022), Presentation during the Forum of Young Global Leaders Alumni Summit in Geneva, Switzerland
Keynote during Students Commission Canada We Want Showcase Event (November 2022)
Mobilizing Millions for Micro Grants presentation during a Celebration of International Youth Day presentation in New York at the Youth Assembly: Dare to Reshape the World (August 2022)
Co-hosting a series of gatherings with #RisingYouth applicants, grantees and alumni to support youth-led community-based initiatives with support from Government of Canada
Guiding team in a collaborative effort to co-produce 300 free skill building videos featuring First Nations, Inuit and Métis content providers as part of Create to Learn, igniting support for 113 projects through the Samuel Connected North Youth Leadership Fund, growing Connected North sessions to 125 participating schools with 4,500+ sessions delivered
Co-Facilitation of the Canada Service Corps National Coalition with 10 national service organizations
Co-hosting Community Films and Exploring Creativity: A Virtual Summit with Adobe Creativity Grants
Virtual Book launch event moderator for Ehdaro: Big Point A Day in the Life of a Four Year Old Dene Boy and Twelve Months of Fun on Haida Gwaii with Mattie and Jojo
Co-Facilitation of the Canada Service Corps National Coalition with 10 national service organizations
Presenting at Futurists Design Exchange Exhibit: young Canada Transforms Tomorrow
Global Symposium on Overcoming Social Isolation and Deepening Social Connectedness
Curating and hosting evening of collaborative art with co-creation stations, performance art and digital exhibitions
Co-hosting Future Pathways summits with support from RBC Future Launch
Co-hosting Create to Learn Summits in partnership with Chiefs of Ontario and Nunavut Sivuniksavut
Facilitating focus groups in Tanzania, Peru and Bolivia for EQWIP HUBS project platform
Co-Facilitation of the Canada Service Corps National Coalition with 10 national service organizations
#LeadersToday Global Youth Service Summit
Canada Service Corps National Coalition
Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness: Supporting the Whole Student Summit
George Brown College Early Childhood Education
Connecting With Our First Family Exhibition Launch, Art Gallery of Ontario
Institute for Canadian Citizenship's 6 Degrees Toronto
International Congress on School Effectiveness and Improvement
Youth for Change Year 5 Summit (Library of Alexandria, Egypt)
Sauvé Forum Series on Social Connectedness and International Development
RBC International Women's Day Event: Women in Technology
Global Dignity Day
Course Director, Education for Social Innovation, Central & Eastern European Schools Association (Helsinki, Finland)
Global Symposium on Overcoming Social Isolation and Deepending Social Connectedness
Autodesk Ideas: The Innovation and Design Series Summit
Course Director, Education for Social Innovation, Central & Eastern European Schools Association (Warsaw, Poland)
Course Director, Education for Social Innovation, Toronto District School Board
Rethink: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Partnership for Global Development, EWB2014 Conference
Global Symposium on Overcoming Social Isolation and Deepending Social Connectedness
Activating Online Communities for Social Change (Toronto)
TIES 2013 Education Technology Conference (Minneapolis)
Ontario Council for International Cooperation Global Citizens Forum on State of the World's Youth (Toronto, ON)
Power of the Arts National Forum (Ottawa, ON)
Banff Forum (Banff, AB)
Canadian Commission for UNESCO Annual General Meeting (Toronto, ON)
Intercultural Innovation Awards, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (Vienna)
uLead - Western Canada Educational Administrators Conference (Edmonton, October)
D3 - Association of Fundraising Professionals (Toronto, October)
Global Dignity Day Canada (National Video Conference, October)
Banff Forum 2012 (Blue Mountains, September)
Canadian Association of College and University Student Services Conference - keynote on Engaging Digital Citizens (Brock University, June)
International Women's Day Seminar (Penn State University, March)
Women's History Month Luncheon (ICTAM, Winnipeg, March)
Future of Youth Movements Summit (New York, February)
Education World Forum (London, England, January)
Country Chair of Global Dignity Day
International YMCA Conference (San Francisco, November)
World Economic Forum Meeting on the Global Agenda (Abu Dhabi, October)
World Economic Forum Meeting of the New Champions (Dalian, September)
UNESCO National Conference (Virtual Conference, Canada, May)
2nd Annual Social Justice/Environment Conference (Winnipeg, Manitoba, May)
The London Symposium on Meaningful Participation by Young People in International Decision-making: Principles, Practice and Standards for the Future (Hosted by the British Council and Open Society Foundations, London, UK, May)
Ontario Student Trustees' Assocation 2001 Annual General Meeting, Student Voice: Dreams Within Reach (Toronto, Ontario, May)
National Film Board of Canada Retreat (Montreal, Canada, February)
Palliser District Teachers Convention (Calgary, Alberta, February)
5th World Youth Congress (Istanbul, Turkey, August)
79th Annual Summer Couchiching Conference (Orillia, Canada, August)
Pearson Student Leadership Summit (Boston, United States, August)
International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (Boston, United States, August)
iEARN International Conference and Youth Summit 2010 (Barrie, Canada, July)
ISTE 2010 (International Society for Technology in Education (Denver, United States, June)
Marketing Breakthroughs: How to Engage and Motivate Gen Y at Work (Ottawa, June)
The 5th Global YES Summit - Rework the World (Leksand, Sweden, June)
World Economic Forum Global Redesign Summit 2010 (Doha, Qatar, May)
World Economic Forum on Africa 2010 (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, May)
Young Global Leaders Annual Summit 2010 (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, May)
Empower 2010 Youth Conference on Leadership, Service Based Learning & Global Citizenship (Doha, Qatar, April)
Catholic Principals' Council of Ontario (CPCO) Conference (Windsor, Canada, April)
5th Microsoft Partners in Learning Regional Innovative Teachers' Conference/Innovative Students' Forum, Asia Pacific (Singapore, March)
TEDx Teen (New York, United States, March)
University Laboratory School Spring Lecture (Baton Rouge, United States, March)
The Catholic Principals' Council of Ontario 2010 Conference (Windsor, Canada)
One Young World (London, United Kingdom, February)
Arab Youth Forum (Alexandria, Egypt, February)
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010 (Davos, Switzerland, January)
NMC World Youth Meeting (Bari, Italy, January)
Fill the Gap (Amsterdam, Netherlands, January)
Halton Youth Leadership Conference (Oakville, Canada, October)
UNESCO World Congress on Higher Education (Paris, France, July)
International Society for TEchnology in Education (Washinton, DC, United States, July)
Canadian Museums Association Annual Conference Keynote (Toronto, Canada, March)
Towards 2020, Canada's Commitment to Children & Youth (Ottawa, Canada, April)
Panelist for Session on "Civic Engagement Among the Digital Generation" at Congress for the Humanities and Social Sciences at Carleton University (Ottawa, May)
Moderator of Webcast for 2009 YGL Private Programme at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (January)
2008 Integrated Marketing Conference (St. Petersburgh, FL, November)
"Generations as a Destiny" Panel at Assoc. of Fundraising Professionals Toronto Congress World Blu Live (New York, United States, October)
Zeitgeist '08, Google's fourth annual Partner Forum (San Francisco, CA, September)
Vision Conference Fall 2008 (Phoenix, AZ, September)
4th World Youth Congress (Quebec City, Canada, August)
XVII International AIDS Conference (Mexico City, Mexico, August)
5th Science Centre World Congress (Toronto, Canada, June)
World Economic Forum on Latin America (Cancun, Mexico, April)
United Nations Meets Web 2.0 Conference (New York, March)
United Nations aids2031 Young Leaders Summit (Google Campus, San Francisco, March)
Fifth Arab Reform Forum and Arab Youth Forum (Alexandria, Egypt, March)
Harvard Berkman Centre for Internet and Society conference on Digital Activism (Istanbul, Turkey, February)
GK3 - Global Knowledge Partnership (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December)
BC Hospitality Industry Conference and Exhibition (Vancouver, BC, November)
Association of Corporate Travel Executives Conference (Calgary, Alberta, November)
United Nations Global Forum on Youth and ICTs for Development (Geneva, Switzerland)
International Youth Forum (Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, September)
The World Conservation Union (IUCN)'s Conference on New Learning for Sustainability in the Arab Region (Alexandria, Egypt, August)
Youth Employment Summit meeting of Country Coordinators (Alexandria, Egypt,)
Tallberg Forum (Sweden, June)
World Economic Forum's Meeting of the New Champions (Dalian, China, September)
Council of Chief Information Officer's Meeting (Halifax, NS, May)
CEDNET's Out on a LYNM: Linking Youth to the National Movement (webcam, April)
Telus Dialogue - The Future is Friendly, (University of Ottawa, March)
Global Citizenship: Visions to Actions, McMaster University (Ontario, March)
Learning @ School Conference Keynote (New Zealand, February)
"Building a Smarter, Stronger, and Broader Youth Constituency in the United States to Fight Global Poverty" (New York, January)
Peking University (Beijing, China, December)
ITU Telecom Youth Forum (Hong Kong, December)
Public Policy Forum (Toronto, November)
Youth Employment Summit (Nairobi, Kenya, September)
XVI International AIDS Conference (Toronto, Canada, August)
World Urban Forum (Vancouver, Canada, June)
Global Knowledge Partnership International Forum (Sri Lanka, May)
International President's Meeting, AIESEC, (The Netherlands, February)
Women's Activism and Constitutions Conference, Youth Forum Facilitation (Ottawa,)
Innovation Funders Summit, Innovation in Action session, (San Francisco, February)
United Nations World Programme of Action for Youth +10 Review, (New York - Sept)
Power Users of Technology Symposium, (Costa Rica - August)
World Youth Congress: Be the Change, (Scotland - July)
International Association of Business Communicators, (Washington, DC - June)
National Educational Computing Conference, (Philadelphia - June)
World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders Forum (Switzerland - June)
Upper Canada District School Board's Small High School Summit, (Cornwall, ON - Nov 04)
Ontario Network of Employment Skills Training Projects, (Hamilton, ON - November,)
MassCUE's Educational Technology Conference, (Starbridge, USA - November)
Ontario Rural Council's Leading Through Change Conference, (London, ON - October)
Beacon for Freedom of Expression Conference (Alexandria, Egypt - September)
United Nations Department of Public Information for NGO (New York - September)
Canadian Association for Cooperative Education Conference (Halifax - August)
US Department of Health and Human Services' National Youth Summit (Ohio - July)
Building Learning Communities Conference (Boston - July)
National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) (New Orleans - June)
Canadian Commission for UNESCO Annual General Meeting, (Halifax - May)
Alaska Society for Technology in Education, (Alaska - January)
World Summit on the Information Society, (Geneva - December)
Youth Employment Summit Regional Forum, (India - December)
National Youth Leadership and Technology Forum on Technology, (San Jose - July)
National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) (Seattle - June)
Fast Company Magazine's Woman to Woman Conference (San Francisco - June)
PlaNetwork Conference (San Francisco - June)
Canadian Community Newspapers Association (Vancouver, BC - May)
Toronto City Summit Alliance (Toronto, ON - May)
Serving Youth Through Technology Think Tank - (OAYEC) (Toronto, ON - May)
Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) (Toronto, ON - May)
National Technology Youth Leadership Conference (Queens University, Kingston - May)
"Global Citizens' Forum - Building Bridges for Global Education in Schools and Communities" (Toronto, ON - March)
STAO (Science Teacher's Association of Ontario) Conference - November)
Ontario's Innovation Challenge, organized by the Ministry of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation and the Royal Bank of Canada (Toronto, ON - November)
Canada's Innovation Summit (Toronto, ON - November)
Canadian Marketing Association's Youth and Internet Panel (Toronto, ON - October)
5th Stockholm Challenge Global Forum and Exhibition (Stockholm, Sweden - October)
Famous 5 Foundation, Future Leaders Forum (Calgary, Canada - October)
Millennium Excellence Award Program's Think Again Conference (Ottawa, ON - Sept)
Global Leader's of Tomorrow Summit (Geneva, Switzerland - September)
Youth Employment Summit (Alexandria, Egypt - September)
TakingITGlobal Ghana Conference (Accra, Ghana - August)
World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannasburg, South Africa - August)
Credit Union Executives Society (Peurto Rico - June)
National Youth Summit, Organized by the Commission of Family and Youth Services for the United States of America (Washington DC - June)
Innoversity, Generation Diverse Panel (Toronto, ON - May)
Leaside High School, Issues Week (Toronto, ON - April)
Making IT Work for Volunteers Summit (Toronto, ON - April)
University of Toronto's National Business and Technology Conference (March)
Youth Employment Summit Youth Forum (New York, USA - February)
World Economic Forum (New York, USA - February)
Canadian Post-Secondary Student Leadership Conference (Ottawa, ON - January)
Peace by Piece YMCA Leadership Conference (North York, ON - November)
Association of Internet Marketing and Sales Conference (AIMS) (Toronto - November)
Women In Motion Conference at Seneca @ York (North York, ON - October)
Young Professional's Organization (Tuscon, Arizona - October)
Science-Sphere, 13th Canadian International Youth Forum (Toronto - Sept)
Regent Park Focus and Media Watch Website Launch (Toronto, ON - May)
Envision Summit at Pearson College (Victoria, BC - April)
Youth Empowerment at Sky Dome (Toronto, ON - April)
TTI/Vanguard "Digital Time" (San Diego, CA - February)
International Model United Nations Youth Assembly (Netherlands - January
GK2 - Global Knowledge Partnership Conference (Malaysia)
“The Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences would like to extend our sincere gratitude for your participation in the panel ‘Has Technology Tuned Out Youth?’. The breadth of experience that you brought to the table was most appreciated. As someone who is leading a youth movement online and motivating young people to affect real positive change you are true inspiration. Again, we thank you for making such a significant contribution to Congress” Alison Faulknor
